一、 主要科研项目 1.天津市水务集团项目,新型菌藻共生颗粒污泥深度处理富营养化水技术开发,2022.1-2024.6,主持; 2.天津市水务局,天津市“十三五”城镇污水处理及再生利用设施建设规划,2015.3-2017.6,参加; 3.国家自然科学基金青年项目,富油型好氧颗粒污泥形成机制与产油性能(51608279),2017.1-2019.12,参加; 4.国家科技重大专项,滨海工业带高盐难降解废水趋零排放技术研究与示范应用(2017ZX07107-002),2017.1-2020.6,参加; 5.天津市科技计划项目,滨海高盐河道水体治理关键技术研发(17ZXSTSF00100-1),2017.10-2019.3,参加; 6.天津市自然科学基金青年项目,菌藻共生好氧颗粒污泥处理高盐有机废水和产油特性研究(19JCQNJC08600),2019.4-2022.3,参加; 7.天津市科学技术委员会,天津市科技计划项目(企业科技特派员项目),20YDTPJC00470,单级全自养脱氮微颗粒污泥工艺研究,2020.10 -2021.09,参加。
1. Fansheng Meng, Limeng Xi, Dongfang Liu, et al. Effects of light intensity on oxygen distribution, lipid production and biological community of algal-bacterial granules in photo-sequencing batch reactors. Bioresource Technology, 2019, 272: 473-481. 2. Fansheng Meng, Weiwei Huang, Dongfang Liu, et al. Application of aerobic granules-continuous flow reactor for saline wastewater treatment: Granular stability, lipid production and symbiotic relationship between bacteria and algae. Bioresource Technology, 2019, 295: 122291. 3. Fansheng Meng, Dongfang Liu, Wenli Huang, et al. Effect of salinity on granulation, performance and lipid accumulation of algal-bacterial granular sludge. Bioresource Technology Reports, 2019, 7: 10028. 4. Fansheng Meng, Dongfang Liu, Yuwei Pan, et al. Enhanced amount and quality of alginate-like exopolysaccharides in aerobic granular sludge for the treatment of salty wastewater. Bioresources, 2019, 14: 139-165. 5. Fansheng Meng, Yu Liu, Ping Zhang, et al. Advanced treatment of salty eutrophication water with algal-bacterial granular sludge Focus on nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P) removal and lipid accumulation. Bioresources, 2019, 14: 9518-9530. 6. Shaoxiong Zhang, Huanchen Huo, Fansheng Meng*. Partial nitrification algal-bacterial granule system cultivation: Performance, lipid Production and biological community. Water Air and Soil pollution. 2020, 231: 236. 7. 周义辉, 刘东方*, 孟凡盛, 宋宗武. 混凝—臭氧—生化法组合工艺深度处理制药厂二级出水. 工业水处理, 2017, 37: 38-42.