【出版著作与教材】 [1]李炎保,蒋学炼,港口航道工程导论(普通高等教育"十一五"国家级规划教材),人民交通出版社,201006. 【发表论文】已在国内外学术刊物发表学术论文50余篇,主要包括: [1]Weichao Yang, Chuanxing Zheng, Xuelian Jiang (蒋学炼)*, Hao Wang, Jijian Lian De Hu, Airong Zheng. Study on urban flood simulation based on a novel model of SWTM coupling D8 flow direction and backflow effect [J]. Journal of Hydrology, 2023: 129608. doi.org/10.1016/j.jhydrol.2023.129608.(SCI) [2]任丽婷,蒋学炼,赵悦,郄禄文,刘俊涛. 深水工况下弧面胸墙沉箱堤的反射形态分析[J].海洋工程,202303,41(2): 117-124. DOI:10.16483/j.issn.1005-9865.2023.02.012(CSCD) [3]Yang, W., Hu, D., Jiang, X. L. (蒋学炼)*, Dun, X., Hou, B., Zheng, C., Chen, C., Zhuang, R. Framework for Spatio-temporal Distribution of Disasters and Influencing Factors: Exploratory Study of Tianjin, China [J]. Sustainability, 2022, 14, 10488.https://doi.org/10.3390/su141710488(SCI) [4]徐展,王文进,蒋学炼,杨伟超,刘俊涛.半潮堤前的反射形态与时均流速场分析[J].海洋工程,202205,40(03):75-82. DOI:10.16483/j.issn.1005-9865.2022.03.009. (CSCD) [5]Weichao Yang, Kui Xu, Chao Ma, Jijian Lian, Xuelian Jiang (蒋学炼)*, Yadong Zhou, Lingling Bin. A novel multi-objective optimization framework to allocate support funds for flash flood reduction based on multiple vulnerability assessment [J]. Journal of Hydrology, 202111, (603): 127144(1-12). (SCI: 000731711800001) [6]蒋学炼,刘畅,赵悦,杨伟超,柳淑学,朱福明.非线性波作用下潜堤周围的流体分离与涡流结构[J]. 工程科学与技术, 202109, 53(5):10-20. (EI: 20214110998097)DOI:10.15961/j.jsuese.202000991(EI) [7]蒋学炼,赵悦,邹青萍,柳淑学. 不同流线型潜体抛石基床上的波生紊流场结构[J]. 哈尔滨工程大学学报, 202106, 42(6): 800-809. (EI: 20212410510208)DOI: 10. 11990 /jheu.202002004.(EI) [8]张宝华,刘俊涛,蒋学炼,张笑. 基于广义随机空间的护面块体稳定性概率分析[J]. 水道港口, 202104, 42(2): 200-206. [9]康子非,蒋学炼,邢岩. 流场实景可视化在水运工程中的应用研究. [J]. 水道港口, 202004, 41(2): 239-243. [10]蒋学炼,郝敏霞,杨天,李炎保. 波浪场中弧面潜堤与矩形潜堤的涡流结构 [J]. 哈尔滨工程大学学报, 201903, 40(3): 106-114. (EI: 20192106970857) [11]JIANG Xue-Lian (蒋学炼), YANG Tian, ZOU Qing-Ping, GU Han-Bin. Flow separation and vortex dynamics in waves propagating over a submerged quartercircular breakwater [J]. China Ocean Engineering, 201810, 32(5): 514-523. (SCI:000445740500002) [12]Jiang X.L. (蒋学炼), Zou Qing-ping, Song J.N. Peak dynamic pressure on semi- and quarter-circular breakwaters under wave troughs [J]. China Ocean Engineering, 201704, 31 (2):151-159. (SCI:000399895100003) [13]Jiang X.L. (蒋学炼), Zou Qing-ping,Zhang Na. Wave load on submerged quarter-circular and semicircular breakwaters under irregular waves [J]. Coastal Engineering, 201703, (121), 265-277. (SCI:000394475000021) [14]蒋学炼,宋吉宁,张娜,郄禄文.基于能量守恒的淤泥质外航道风淤估算 [J].水利水运工程学报,201506, (3):66-72. (CSCD: 5449140) [15]蒋学炼,郭少龙,李炎保.波浪作用下曲面防波堤水力特性及波能损耗研究 [J].海洋工程,201208,30(3): 52-60. (CSCD:4615299) [16]蒋学炼,李珊珊,李炎保.防波堤滑移运动解析解及其应用研究 [J].海洋通报,201208,31(4): 382-390. (CSCD:4634370) [17]蒋学炼,马青山,李珊珊,李炎保.考虑绕射效应的沿堤波浪力波动分析 [J].水利水运工程学报,201210,5: 1-7. (CSCD:4685706) [18]Shi Y.J. Wu M.L., Jiang X.L. (蒋学炼, 通讯作者) and Li Y.B. Experimental researches on reflective and transmitting performances of quarter circular breakwater under regular and irregular waves [J]. China Ocean Engineering, 201109, 25(3): 469-478. (SCI: 000294345600008; EI: 20113514277118) [19]Jiang X.L. (蒋学炼), Wu M.L. and Li Y.B. Study on flow field around vertical breakwater under different overtopping conditions based on numerical simulation [J]. China Ocean Engineering, 201012, 24(4): 641-651. (SCI: 000286567600005; EI: 20110913712505) [20]蒋学炼,李炎保.联合效用理论与风险量化的防波堤决策模型研究 [J].海洋通报,200902,28(1): 65-74. (CSCD:3491851) [21]蒋学炼,李炎保.缺失风浪数据补足的神经网络模型 [J].海洋科学,200906,33(2): 60-67. (CSCD:3506738) [22]Jiang X.L. (蒋学炼), Gu H.B. and Li Y.B. Numerical simulation on hydraulic performances of quarter circular breakwater [J]. China Ocean Engineering, 200812, 22(4): 585-594. (SCI:000266089100005; EI: 20090311865311) [23]Jiang X.L. (蒋学炼), Li Y.B., Cao Z.D. Predicting siltation in entrance channel based on wind conditions [J]. Transactions of Tianjin University, 200710, 13(5):349-353. (EI: 20080711099682) [24]周汉东, 蒋学炼,李炎保.基于风险量化防波堤工程施工期保险费率厘定 [J].海洋工程,200708,25(3): 40-45. (CSCD:2913466) [25]李炎保,蒋学炼,刘任.防波堤损坏特点与其成因的关系 [J]. 海洋工程, 200605, 24(2): 130-138. (CSCD:2379004) [26]蒋学炼,李炎保.波浪作用下系泊船舶运动计算 [J].水动力学研究与进展(A),200511,20(6): 793-801. (CSCD:2208276) [27]Li Y.B., Jiang X.L. (蒋学炼). Research on the wave-induced ship motions in front of different types of wharf [J]. Modern Physics Letters B, 2005, 19(28-29): 1731-1734. (SCI: 000234768200077) [28]Li Y.B., Jiang X.L. (蒋学炼), Guo H.Y. Experimental study on friction coefficient between concrete and the top surface of rubble mound foundation [J]. China Ocean Engineering, 200506, 19(2): 287-298. (SCI: 000230216600010) |