【出版著作与教材】 无 【发表论文】已在国内外学术刊物发表学术论文10余篇,主要包括: 1. Characteristics and Expression Analyses of Trehalose-6-Phosphate Synthase Family in Prunus mume Reveal Genes Involved in Trehalose Biosynthesis and Drought Response. Biomolecules, 2020,第一作者. (影响因子5.5) 2. Root Physiological Traits and Transcriptome Analyses Reveal that Root Zone Water Retention Confers Drought Tolerance to Opisthopappus taihangensis. Scientific Reports, 2020,第一作者. (影响因子4.6) 3.Genome-Wide Identification,Evolution, and ExpressionAnalysis of the MAPK GeneFamily in Rosaceae Plants. Horticulturae, 2023,第一作者.(影响因子3.1) 4. A Comparative Analysis ofFloral Scent Compounds inIntraspecific Cultivars ofPrunus mume with DifferentCorolla Colours, Molecules, 2019,第三作者.(影响因子4.6) 5. IBA和NAA对太行菊扦插成活效果的影响. 中国观赏园艺研究进展,2016, 第一作者. 6. IBA和NAA对芙蓉菊扦插成活效果的影响. 中国观赏园艺研究进展,2017, 第一作者. |