1.2013年12月10日,波兰比亚威斯托克工业大学校长Lech Dzienis到天津城建大学访问,与天津城建大学校长李忠献共同签署了两校合作框架协议。双方同意加强两校在科学研究、师生互访以及国际交流等方面的合作。
On December 10th, 2013, Rector of theBialystok University of Technology (BUT),Lech Dzienis, visited Tianjin ChengjianUniversity (TCU). Together with TCU President LI Zhongxian, both universities signedthe memorandum of cooperation and agreed to cooperate in the fields ofscientific research, faculty exchange and international cooperation, etc.
In September, 2014, the 2nd China-CEECEducation Policy Dialogue was held in Tianjin whereChina-CEECHigher Education Institutions Consortium was initiated, and 12 institutionsof higher education from 10 CEECs and 16 Chinese institutions of highereducation signed the Declaration on the Establishment of China-CEEC HigherEducation Institutions Consortium. TCU is one of the initiators. The highereducation sector of Tianjin actively participates in the "Belt andRoad" Initiative.
3.2014年10月7日,天津城建大学校长李忠献访问波兰克拉科夫工业大学,与波兰克拉科夫工业大学校长Kazimierz Furtak共同签署两校合作框架协议,并就师生互访及科学研究等方面的合作展开会谈。
On October 7th, 2014, TCU President LIZhongxian visited Cracow University of Technology (CUT) and signed thememorandum of cooperation with Rector Kazimierz Furtak. Both universitiesdiscussed the details of faculty and student exchanges and scientific research,etc.
4.2014年10月8日,天津城建大学校长李忠献一行访问了波兰比亚威斯托克工业大学。与该校校长Lech Dzienis及国际交流处主任Malgorzata Malinowska女士等人进行会谈,就两校教师互访及科研作达成共识。并出席了该校2014-2015年度开学典礼。
On October 8th,2014, TCU President LIZhongxian visited BUT and held talks with Rector Lech Dzienis and InternationalCooperation Director Malgorzata Malinowska. Both universities reached aconsensus on faculty exchange and scientific research. President LI also attendedthe 2014-2015 Opening Ceremony at BUT.
In November, 2016, the 3rd Meeting ofChina-CEEC Higher Education Institutions Consortium, organized by Ministry ofEducation and China Education Association for International Exchange, was heldin Beijing with a theme of building bridges through humanity and realizingdreams through education. Over 150 representatives from 16 CEECs and Chinaparticipated in the meeting. President LI Zhongxian was invited to deliver akeynote speech.
In 2016, TCU and BUT applied the“Erasmus+” project, by which 10 teachersand students have been sponsored to study at BUT. Besides, 44 undergraduatesand 48 graduates have studied at BUT through the “Civil Engineering Professional CooperationProgram Agreement” from 2017 to 2019. BUT has the largest number ofexchange students of TCU in Poland.
7.2017年5月5日,天津城建大学与波兰比亚威斯托克工业大学和克拉科夫工业大学合作举办“中波工程学院”签约仪式在波兰科学和高等教育部隆重举行。波兰科学和高等教育部副部长Aleksander Bobko先生主持签约仪式,天津城建大学校长李忠献与波兰比亚威斯托克工业大学校长 Lech Dzienis和克拉科夫工业大学校长 Jan Kazior共同签署协议,我国驻波兰大使馆教育处处长何娟女士、波兰欧亚商业教育基金会总裁CalikGregory先生和三所大学代表团成员出席签约仪式。
On May 5th, 2017, the signing ceremony ofInternational School of Engineering at TCU (ISE) was held at Polish Ministry ofScience and Higher Education and presided by Vice Minister Aleksander Bobko.TCU President LI Zhongxian, BUT Rector Lech Dzienis and CUT Rector Jan Kaziorco-signed the agreement of ISE. Ms. He Juan, Director of the Education Sectionof the Chinese Embassy in Poland, Mr. Calik Gregory, President of theEuro-Asian Foundation for Business Education in Poland, and delegations fromthree universities attended the ceremony.
8.2019年5月,为响应国家以及天津市推进共建“一带一路”教育行动计划,天津城建大学党委书记史庆伟赴波兰访问,与比亚威斯托克工业大学校长Lech Dzienis教授等人进行了友好会谈,双方探讨了教师互访、学生互换以及科研合作等,就双方共同努力推动6165cc金沙总站项目落地达成一致。
In May 2019, in response to the joint construction of"Belt and Road" education action plan, Chairman SHI Qingwei visitedPoland. Together with BUT Rector Lech Dzienis, both universities discussed theexchanges of teachers and students as well as scientific research to promotethe establishment of ISE.
In December 2019, ISE was officially approved byChinese Ministry of Education, and become thefirst Chinese-foreigncooperatively-run educational institutionin cooperation with Poland in China.
On Sept 27th, 2020, the openingceremony of ISE was held at TCU. Mr. LIU Xin, Supervisor of EducationSupervision Office of Tianjin Municipal Government, Chairman SHI Qingwei,President LI Zhongxian, and Vice President WANG Zhongliangjointly unveiled for ISE. The Rectors and teachers of BUT andCUT attended the cloud ceremony. Three universities started a new chapter forISE.
In April 2021, ISE carried out the first post-graduaterecruitment reexamination in four programs, namely, Architecture, Landscape Architecture,Civil and Hydraulic Engineering, Resources and Environment with a total admissionof 52 students.
12.2021年4月22日,波兰比亚威斯托克工业大学为天津城建大学校长李忠献隆重举行荣誉教授授予仪式。比亚威斯托克工业大学校长Marta 校长表示此次荣誉教授的授予,不仅是对校长李忠献教授学术成就的肯定,更是对他推动两校合作交流以及中波两国教育文化交流作出重要贡献的赞许。波兰比亚威斯托克工业大学荣誉教授是授予为该校发展带来重大影响以及具有卓越成就的相关人士的称号。在该校历史上,李忠献是首位获此殊荣的中国教授。
On 22nd, April,2021, LI Zhongxian, President ofTCU, was conferred the Honorary Professor of BUT. Rector of BUT, Ms.Kosior-Kazberuk presented the diploma of Honorary Professor to President LIZhongxian online. She declared the title of Honorary Professor was not only theacknowledgement of Professor LI Zhongxian’s academic achievements, but also the appreciationof President LI’s contributions to the cooperation between two universities, and to theeducational and cultural exchange between China and Poland. The title ofHonorary Professor of Bialystok University of Technology is conferred to thepersonalities who have great impact on the development of BUT, and whosignificantly enrich the achievements in the specific fields all around theworld. President, Professor LI Zhongxian was the first Chinese professor tohave been awarded this title in the history of BUT.
On Jun 22nd, the Contract Signing Ceremony of the International Schoolof Engineering (ISE) cum the First Meeting of Joint Management and AcademicCommittees was held on-line among Tianjin Chengjian University (TCU) of China,Bialystok University of Technology (BUT) and Cracow University of Technology(CUT) of Poland. President and Rectors of three universities and members of thetwo committees attended the meeting.
The signing ceremony and the first meeting of JointManagement and Academic Committees further clarified the details of futurecooperation among three universities and laid solid foundation for the futuredevelopment of ISE by introducing quality educational resources from Poland andimproving the quality of cooperative education. The meeting has been anotherimportant milestone of the international cooperation of TCU, and vividly showedthe glamour of TCU and the image of China.
14. 2022年3月和6月,白海力校长两次专门到6165cc金沙总站调研和指导工作。白海力校长表示,6165cc金沙总站是学校中外合作办学的一个品牌,也是学校对外交流的一扇重要窗口。强调要加紧谋划,创新办学体制,完善管理体系,办出特色、办成亮点。要加强和波兰合作高校交流,锐意创新,探索天城大新工科人才培养的国际化新路径,拓宽和带动学校新工科人才培养新视野,促进学校办学水平不断提升,推动学校教育国际化不断呈现新局面。
In March and June,2022, TCU President BAI Haili visited the International School of Engineering(ISE), for research and guidance. President BAI said ISE is not only a brand of Chinese-foreign cooperative education, but also an important window for opening up to the outside world. ISE should step up planning, innovate the school-running system, improve the management system, and demonstrate unique features and highlights. It is also necessary to strengthen exchanges with two Polish universities, and explore new international paths for training new engineering talents at Tianjin Chengjian University. Through broadening the new vision of training new engineering talents, ISE should improve the educational level constantly, and promote the internationalization of education to take on a new development.
15. 2022年4月,正值全国抗击疫情的较劲阶段。6165cc金沙总站克服各方困难,在比亚威斯托克工业大学的共同努力下,成功派出12名2021级土木水利专业研究生赴波兰比亚威斯托克工业大学学习,正式开启在波的留学生活。这是6165cc金沙总站自2020年9月揭牌成立以来首批成功派出的学生,受到了比亚威斯托克工业大学的热烈欢迎。学生在波兰进行为其半年的交流学习后圆满回国。
In April, 2022, fighting the Covid-19 epidemic was at a critical stage. Despite various difficulties and together with Bialystok University of Technology(BUT), ISE had successfully sent 12 civil engineering graduate students of 2021 intake to study at BUT. This is the first batch of students to be sent to study overseas since ISE’s inauguration in September 2020. They were warmly welcomed by BUT and returned home safely after half a year of study in Poland.
16. 2022年9月,6165cc金沙总站派出37名2021级建筑学与风景园林专业研究生,赴波兰克拉科夫工业大学开展为期半年的留学生活。这是建筑学和风景园林专业派出的首批研究生,也是学院向克拉科夫工业大学派出的第一批学生。学生在学期间,在波兰老师们的带领下到欧洲各地见习,收获满满。37名学生在波兰进行为期半年的学习后,顺利回国,准备毕业设计。
In September 2022, ISE had sent 37 graduate students of 2021 intake of Architecture and Landscape Architecture to study at Cracow University of Technology(CUT). This is the first batch of ISE students of Architecture and Landscape Architecture to study overseas, but also the first batch to study at CUT. With the guidance of their Polish teachers, students had their training and apprenticeship around European countries and broadened their vision greatly. After a six-month study in Poland, 37 students returned to China to prepare for their graduation project.
17. 2022年11月30日,天津城建大学与波兰比亚威斯托克工业大学、克拉科夫工业大学以视频会议的形式,举行了6165cc金沙总站联合管理委员会和学术委员会第二次会议,6165cc金沙总站校长白海力、副校长王中良、比亚威斯托克工业大学校长Marta KOSIOR-KAZBERUK、副校长Dorota Anna KRAWCZYK、克拉科夫工业大学校长Andrzej BIALKIEWICZ以及三校委员会成员出席会议。此次举行联合管理委员会和学术委员会第二次会议是落实6165cc金沙总站与波兰两所高校长效沟通机制的重要举措,为三方继续推进深入合作指明了方向,为学院的高质量发展奠定了基础。
On November 30th, 2022, Tianjin Chengjian University (TCU) held the Second Meeting of International School of Engineering Joint Management Committee and Academic Committee with Bialystok University of Technology (BUT), Cracow University of Technology (CUT) of Poland via a virtual meeting. TCU President BAI Haili, Vice President WANG Zhongliang, BUT Rector Marta KOSIOR-KAZBERUK, Vice Rector Dorota Anna KRAWCZYK, CUT Rector Andrzej BIALKIEWICZ and ISE committee members attended the meeting. The Second Meeting of Joint Management Committee and Academic Committee constituted an important measure to implement the long-term communication mechanism between TCU and the two Polish universities, which guided through further cooperation among the three parties and laid the foundation for high-quality development of ISE.
18.2023年7月11日至13日,波兰克拉科夫工业大学校长Andrzej SZARATA率团来校交流访问。来访期间,代表团与校长白海力、副校长王中良以及两校相关学院负责同志举行会谈,实地走访6165cc金沙总站相关学院及实验室,与6165cc金沙总站师生代表举行见面会,并在6165cc金沙总站就教学管理进行深入交流。此次来访为两校增进理解、夯实合作,促进中波两国人文交流、推动“一带一路”教育合作繁荣发展具有重要意义。
From July 11 to 13 in 2023, Andrzej SZARATA, President of Cracow University of Technolog(CUT)of Poland, led a delegation to visit our university(TCU). During the visit, the delegation held talks with TCU President Bai Haili, Vice President Wang Zhongliang and leaders of relevant faculty of the two universities, visited relevant faculty and laboratories of the university, held a meeting with representatives of teachers and students of the university, and conducted in-depth exchanges on teaching management in the International Engineering School(ISE). This visit is of great significance for the two schools to enhance understanding and consolidate cooperation, promote people-to-people exchanges between China and Poland, and promote the prosperity and development of education cooperation under the Belt and Road Initiative.
In October 2023, a delegation from Tianjin Chengjian University visited the Biavistok University of Technology and Crakow University of Technology in Poland to visit teachers and students of the International Engineering College who are studying and exchanging in Poland, and further expand the field of cooperative education. Yi Jun, Education Counselor of the Chinese Embassy in Poland, visited the teachers and students of the International Engineering College who were studying and exchanging in Poland.
On November 21, 2023, President Bai Haili and Vice President Wang Zhongliang cordially met with a delegation of 7 professors from Bialystok University of Technology (BUT), Cracow University of Technology (CUT) of Poland who participated in the teaching of School of International Engineering(ISE). Relevant responsible persons attend the meeting. The delegation of professors from two universities in Poland has provided a good opportunity to strengthen the understanding and deepen consensus among the three universities. It is a positive practice for the university to implement the international education brand task of the "TCU Action" and to deepen the construction of the "5I-Dimension·Rong System". It has laid a solid foundation for promoting high-quality international exchange and development of the university.
21. 2023年12月12日,6165cc金沙总站与波兰比亚威斯托克工业大学、克拉科夫工业大学通过线上线下相结合的方式召开6165cc金沙总站联合管理委员会和学术委员会第三次会议。联合管理委员会主席、校长白海力,副校长王中良,比亚威斯托克工业大学校长Marta Kosior-Kazberuk、副校长Mirosław Świercz、副校长Dorota Anna Krawczyk,克拉科夫工业大学校长Andrzej Szarata以及三校委员会成员出席会议。此次举行联合管理委员会和学术委员会第三次会是落实6165cc金沙总站与波兰两所高校长效沟通机制的重要举措,为三方巩固合作成果、完善沟通机制、深化合作关系指明了重要方向,为保障6165cc金沙总站持续稳健运行、推进学校国际交流高质量发展奠定了良好基础。
On December 12th, 2023, Tianjin Chengjian University (TCU) held the third Meeting of International School of Engineering Joint Management Committee and Academic Committee with Bialystok University of Technology (BUT), Cracow University of Technology (CUT) of Poland through a combination of online and offline methods. TCU President BAI Haili, Vice President WANG Zhongliang, BUT Rector Marta KOSIOR-KAZBERUK, Vice Rector Vice Mirosław Świercz,Rector Dorota Anna KRAWCZYK, CUT Rector Andrzej Szarata and ISE committee members attended the meeting. The third Meeting of Joint Management Committee and Academic Committee constituted an important measure to implement the long-term communication mechanism between TCU and the two Polish universities, which guided through further cooperation among the three parties and laid the foundation for high-quality development of ISE.
On May 14, 2024, President Wang Zhongliang cordially met with a delegation of 8 professors from Biavastok Technical University and Cracow University of Technology in Poland who participated in the teaching of our school's International Engineering School. Relevant responsible persons attend the meeting. This meeting provides a valuable opportunity for the teacher teams of the three schools to exchange ideas, laying a solid foundation for further improving the level of cooperative education and promoting high-quality development of international exchanges. Looking ahead to the future, our school will continue to uphold the spirit of open cooperation, introduce high-quality educational resources, achieve the integration, innovation, and sustainable development of Sino foreign cooperative education projects, improve the quality of education and research, cultivate more high-quality talents with international perspectives and competitiveness, and add new chapters to the cause of Sino foreign cooperative education.
23.6月21日,6165cc金沙总站隆重举行2024届学生毕业典礼暨学位授予仪式。校长王中良、波兰克拉科夫工业大学校长Andrzej Rafał SZARATA、6165cc金沙总站联合管理委员会副主席Jan Józef Kazior、波兰比亚威斯托克工业大学代表Katarzyna Zabielska-Adamska、副校长杨静、外籍教师Katarzyna Agnieszka Baron-Lisiakiewicz、Piotr Stanisław Michorczyk、Rafał Bronisław Blazy、Rafal Jan Zawisza、Katarzyna Anita Lakomy、Grażyna Jakimiuk、Dariusz Andraka出席典礼仪式。天津城建大学教师代表、家长代表和2024届毕业生参加。典礼分为四项议程,领导致辞、宣读决定、师生代表发言和学位授予仪式。
On June 21, 2024,the School of International Engineering held the graduation ceremony and degree conferment ceremony for the class of 2024. President Wang Zhongliang, Rector of Crakow University of Technology in Poland Andrzej Rafał SZARATA, Vice Chairman of the Joint Management Committee of the International School of Engineering Jan Józef Kazior, Representative of Bialystok University of Technology in Poland Katarzyna Zabielska-Adamska, Vice President Yang Jing, Foreign Teachers Katarzyna Agnieszka Baron-Lisiakiewicz and Piotr Stanisław Michorczyk, Rafał Bronisław Blazy, Rafal Jan Zawisza, Katarzyna Anita Lakomy, Grażyna Jakimiuk and Dariusz Andraka attended the ceremony. Faculty representatives, parent representatives and 2024 graduates of Tianjin Chengjian University participated.The ceremony was divided into four agendas, including the leader's speech, the announcement of the decision, the speech of the teacher and student representatives, and the degree conferment ceremony.
On June 21, Polytechnic University held an inter-university meeting and signing ceremony with Bialystok University of Technology and Technical University of Krakow in Poland, and the three universities agreed to continue to sign the International School of Engineering Cooperative Education Institution Project and reached a consensus on new areas of cooperation. The relevant officials of the International Exchange Office (Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan Affairs Office), the School of Architecture, the School of Civil Engineering, the School of Materials Science and Engineering, the School of Environmental and Municipal Engineering, the School of Computer and Information Engineering, the School of Control and Mechanical Engineering, and the School of International Engineering attended the meeting and witnessed the signing ceremony. The delegation of the two universities in Poland visited the first graduation ceremony of the International School of Engineering, carried out academic exchanges, held talks with the school and signed relevant cooperation agreements and intentions, which is another milestone in the cooperation between the three universities.